Hi I’m Karen Bell, founder of Wellness Connection Dot Health

I would like to share my journey in discovering my passion for total wellness.

When I was growing up, one thing that my parents taught me was to recognize that the world is filled with all types of people.

Regardless of their circumstances each person is deserving of dignity and respect.

My mother told  me, “don’t never see yourself as above anyone.”

She instilled in me an awareness of my connection to others and helped me realize that we all have to navigate the process of living in the same ways, despite our outward differences.

My experiences with my mother helped me discover an innate desire to aide, protect and guide others through challenges and times of despair.

But it still took some time for me to discover how this desire would impact my career.

During my early days in college I was still uncertain which major I would pursue.

I tried Information Technology, Accounting, and Nursing. But none of those careers fit.

Finally I discovered Physical Therapy. After months and months of searching I finally felt like I had found a path that was right for me. I was excited to share the news with a classmate who I had grown close to.  

Her response to my exciting news? “You are NOT a Physical Therapist (P.T.) you are an Occupational Therapist (O.T.).”  

“I AM NOT an OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST” is what I blasted to my classmate and friend nearly 30 yrs ago.

At first I was annoyed and felt that she was not being supportive of my decision.

But I respected my dear friend.

After some prayer, meditation, and reflection I decided to explore her suggestion.

She recognized things in my personality and interest that I had not considered when I was selecting my major.

I realized that our spirits and values were much more connected than I knew.


I am forever grateful that my friend had the wisdom and insight to see something special in me and the courage to share that with me.

Many people struggle to engage in their daily tasks because they have experienced a physical, mental, or emotional disruption.

My job as an occupational therapist is to help clients overcome unexpected barriers or disruptions so they can return to a state of wellness.

After years of working as an occupational therapist I grew frustrated as I saw clients returning because of the same challenges.

Despite the training and education given, they had difficulty maintaining their  wellness and staying on track.

So I began to seek out new solutions.  I researched new methods and approaches to see how I could have a greater impact upon my clients’ lives.  

The key insight from my research: Clients need ongoing support in behavior change.

The bad habits and poor choices many of my clients were making continue unless they experience long-term lifestyle change.

At this phase in my journey I have decided to become a Health and Wellness coach.

I leverage my decades of experience as an occupational therapist to engage my coaching clients in transformative programs and activities to enhance and reinforce wellness in all areas of life.